Friday, March 28, 2008

Home sweet home

I am so glad to be back! What a trip! We got in at about 5 o'clock this morning. We left Laramie, Wyoming yesterday and drove across Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois and Indiana. We feel that those states definitely make up the worst part of the union, esp Nebraska. Talk about a whole lot of nothing. We got pulled over just this side of the Wyoming border for doing 88 in a 75 zone. The officer asked if there was any particular reason for our hurry, and we wanted to say, "We are just trying to get out of your godawful state as quickly as possible!" Of course we didn't. He actually gave us a break and only cited us for going 10 mph over, which knocked the fine down $50. So, it was a long day, but totally worth it to be at home now.

The day before, we drove from Berkley to Laramie, with stops in Tahoe, Virginia City and at the ranch to pick up some more of our stuff. Tahoe was one of the most beautiful places yet. Virginia City was pretty fun--they have tried to keep it like an old west town. It has board sidewalks and lots of nostalgia stores. Elisha was in heaven. She is now considering moving there and opening up a Bonanza memoribilia store. The stop at the ranch was supposed to be quick, just load up our stuff and say a quick hi and get back on the road, but we managed to get the car stuck in the mud. Ugh. I have never seen anything like it. I thought mud was just mud, but the entire place was like a giant hog wallow. I guess that's what happens when 4 feet of snow starts to melt. I am glad that I'm not going back for a while until it's hopefully dried up. But we got to hang out and chat for a while, and that was fun.

Today has been spent sleeping, showering, catching up with my dad and trying to get started with the unpacking. My mom is due home from NYC any minute, and my sister and I are planning on hanging out tomorrow. Then I am going to RVC on Sunday--YAY! I'm so looking forward to it and to seeing everyone then!


Kim said...

Glad to have you home Kelsey! Still no baby yet, so if nothing happens today, we'll see you at church tomorrow!

Ann said...

Welcome home! Sorry I missed you at church today--I was in kiddo land :)