Friday, May 30, 2008


Right now I smell like sunscreen, grass, and sun-baked hair. I love it. It smells like summer and the outdoors. I got to spend some time outside today, just sweeping the walkways, but being out in the sun was great. We have our first "official" guest tonight--some folks who are having a wedding here. They have planted some new trees and, according to Dace, will be removing all the ugly yellow construction machines. However, I can still see some from my window. I can't wait until they're gone and this place goes back to peaceful, natural beauty.

Things have been going pretty well. It's nice to already be in the loop. Up to now it's been a busy whirlwind of preparation for opening. It feels a little strange having so much bigger and younger of a crowd than the winter. There are almost twice as many girls as guys, and most of the girls are still in college. I definitely had an "age check" moment when Rob was telling us a story about something that happened to him in 1987. To joke around with him, I said, "I was four years old in 1987," and Brooke, one of the other servers, pipes up with, "I wasn't even born in 1987!" I guess I deserved it for making fun of Rob. I still can't believe I'm going to be 25 in August. We're hosting a wedding at the ranch this weekend, and Steve walked in and said, "This could be your wedding someday!" Thank you for highlighting my singleness, Steve. It's been a bit of a struggle because there's sooo many younger, skinny, pretty girls here. Comparing myself to other girls has always been something that's hard for me. I just wish people wouldn't make comments that stir the dormant longings in me. So far, I have not gotten to know people on a deep level, but there does not seem to be anyone that I'm interested in.

Somehow I have veered topics. The rehearsal dinner tonight was good. The bride and groom are a lovely, friendly couple. Right now I am hanging out in with my housemates in Hallie and Anita's room. Overall, life is good.


Ann said...

Any girls skinnier than you would be ugly skinny :) And they're more to beauty than appearance...though I KWIM about feeling the competition. Singleness is hard, that's for sure...

The Rock Star said...

Just wanted to let you know I am still reading! :)