Thursday, June 26, 2008

If I Were a Carpenter

I love the Johnny Cash and June Carter version of this song.

[ Johnny: ]

If I were a carpenter and you were a lady,
Would you marry me anyway? Would you have my baby?
[ June: ]
If you were a carpenter and I were a lady,
I'd marry you anyway. I'd have your baby.

[ Johnny: ]
If a tinker was my trade, would I still find you?
[ June: ]
I'd be carryin' the pots you made, followin' behind you.

[ June & Johnny: ]
Save your love through loneliness
Save your love through sorrow
[ Johnny: ]
I gave you my onliness.
[ June & Johnny: ]
Give me your tomorrow.

[ Johnny: ]
If I were a miller, at a mill wheel grindin',
Would you miss your colored blouse and your soft shoes shinin'?
[ June: ]
If you were a miller, at a mill wheel grindin'
I'd not miss my colored blouse and my soft shoes shinin'.

[ June & Johnny: ]
Save your love through loneliness
Save your love through sorrow
[ Johnny: ]
I gave you my onliness,
Give me your tomorrow.

[ Johnny: ]
If I worked my hands in wood, would you still love me?
[ June: ]
I'd answer you, "Yes I would."
[ Johnny: ]
And would you not be above me?
[ Johnny: ]
If I were a carpenter and you were a lady,
[ June: ]
I'd marry you anyway. I'd have your baby.

[ June & Johnny: ]
Save your love through loneliness.
Save your love through sorrow.
[ Johnny: ]
I gave you my onliness.
[ June & Johnny: ]
Give me your tomorrow.
No, I haven't died or fallen off the face of the earth. I have just been working a lot. They weren't kidding when they said the summer was faster-paced than winter. It has been really, really good, though. I am so glad that I'm here. God has been moving in incredible ways, both in my heart and in people around me. I think I'm really starting to experience the fullness of healing in some areas, and understanding the beauty and sovereignty of God's plan. I have had some really awesome times with my awesome room mate, Teresa. We do Bible study and pray together. It's amazing how God has transformed her and how she has completely responded to Him. It's a reminder to me of the gospel and its transforming power, and seeing Jesus at work in her is like seeing a flower unfold in the sun.

I have been booking 10-12 hour days the past couple weeks. Now that we all know our jobs a little better and can work more smoothly, we are down to 8-10 hour days. I like this better for my health and sanity, but I miss the overtime pay. But it is just so gorgeous here that I want to soak it up as much as possible. Right now it's wildflower season and everything is bursting into color. The sad thing is that the lodgepole pine beetles have killed a ton of trees and they've had to come down, and forests are turning into meadows. It's so sad. We went out to the original homestead cabin for breakfast ride on Tues, and 2/3 of the trees were down. Very depressing.

So, I am still reading all your blogs and keeping up on your lives! Keep me posted, friends! Love to you!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Finally, update!

Due to first-week craziness and an iffy wireless connection, I have been unable to update for some time. Also, not a lot has happened. Life continues to go on at the ranch. Today was my day off, so I went to Craig and did some shopping. I found some good deals on Western belts and shirts, some groceries, and some gorgeous new cowgirl boots! They were not a super good deal, but I am still excited about them. We have to wear them every day, so I needed some good ones that didn't hurt my feet. The loaners I had from the barn weren't doing the trick.

I have made a sticker chart for myself. I decided that this is a summer of overcoming fears. So I wrote down categories of things I'm afraid of (snakes, boys, authority figures, rock climbing, mountain biking, and confrontation), and every time I do something I'm afraid of in those areas, I get a sticker. Obviously these are not my deepest, darkest fears--I don't want to post those on the wall on a sticker chart. Also, they are things that I think I can reasonably overcome during this time period.

"Real" guests are here for the first time this week. It's definitely a faster pace than the winter. I was overwhelmed yesterday. I think it will take some time to get used to it. There are some really cute kids here, though. One little four-year-old girl, Ava, is a stitch. I was talking to her at breakfast yesterday, and she saw my Cinderella watch and asked, "Isn't Cinderella for kids?" Kids and me, Ava. Kids and me.

Yesterday I hiked up to Hinman Lake. It's about 20 min above the ranch (it's weird to think of distance in "above" and "beneath"). It was absolutely gorgeous. I followed the trail beyond the lake until I came to a fence with a "Private Property--No Trespassing" sign. This was frustrating because I could actually see the ranch from where I was, but I turned around and went back. When I got back to the lake, I didn't like the idea of taking the exact same path and decided to walk around the other side of the lake. There was no trail per se, but there seemed to be a little deer trail and I thought I could follow it. Well, I forgot to take into account that deer are four-footed creatures with hooves adapted to climbing steep slopes and tiny ridges in the Rocky Mountains. I ended up hanging on to tree branches for dear life and inching along some parts on my butt. I had also seen tracks earlier that I thought might be mountain lion tracks, and every little noise made my heart jump into my mouth. I kept talking to myself and singing loudly to try to keep it away because I heard that they are afraid of loud, confident-seeming creatures. This is why I hike alone.

I am excited to wear my new clothes to work tomorrow!

Monday, June 9, 2008

I'm it!

The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
1. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
2. At the end of the post, the player then tags five people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read the player’s blog.
3. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.

Q. What were you doing 5 years ago today?
1.Working at Glen Eyrie for a Nav summer training program
2. Housekeeping for the Glen
3. Learning about honesty with God
4. Hiking to the Punch Bowls
5. Dreading lunch set up

Q. 5 things on your to do list today (well, Monday)
1- Take out the trash
2- Hike to Hinman Lake
3- Write a new blog update
4- Ask Anita if I can borrow her car to go to town tomorrow
5- Hunt down some chocolate and eat it

Q. 5 snacks you enjoy
Only 5? Ha!
1- Enteman's Devil's Food Chocolate Frosted donuts
2- Double Stuff Oreos
3- Flavored Triscuits or Wheat Thins with mozzarella cheese
4- Apples with peanut butter and raisins
5- Dove and Ghiridelli chocolate

Q. 5 things you would do if you were a billionaire
1- Go to grad school
2- Buy a castle in Ireland for a summer home
3- Open my missionary hospitality bed and breakfast
4- Own a horse
5- Buy a husband (just kidding). I second Ann's "have a lot of fun randomly giving money away."

Q. 5 jobs you have had
1- Guest ranch dining room server
2- Paraprofessional
3- Navigator staff
4- National Soil Erosion Lab summer employee
5- Residence Halls summer utility worker